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Task Manager

Task Manager Notification profile name To enable Task Manager sending email notifications when it completes executing task, configure a notifications profile.
Task Manager Email subscriber(s) When Task Manager completes execution of a task an email notification will be sent to this configured list of subscribers.  You must configure this list to enable Task Manager email notifications. 
Task Retention Policy Determines how long task and executions are kept.  The task clean-up process deletes type User tasks, its executions, and Import/Export files created as a result of the task execution. The clean-up process will also delete task executions from System type tasks.
Default startup time for tasks This setting is used when creating a new scheduled task, it represents the amount of time (in seconds) that the start time of the task is delayed.
Default thread limit for tasks This setting is used for tasks supporting multithreading, it represents the amount of multiple threads created to process the task. Maximum recommended values is 40.
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