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Automatic Account Instructions (AAI)

The Automatic Accounting Instruction (AAI) items define the default offset accounts used when prepayments are posted to accounts receivable.   

The AAI has a hierarchical order by which the system searches for an account number.  For example, if you enter a cash prepayment for company 00001, the system uses the following hierarchy to locate the cash prepayment offset account:


          The system searches for AAI item UA for company 00001 to locate the cash prepayment offset account.

          If the system cannot locate this AAI item, the system searches for item UA for company 00000.

          If the system cannot locate this AAI item, the system returns an error message that the AAI is missing.


The following AAI items define the default offset accounts used, but for credit card offset accounts see SmarterPayments guide:


          UA - for cash transactions

          UH - for check transactions

          U01 – for other payment types (01) transactions

          U02 - for other payment types (02) transactions


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