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Digital Commerce Additional Manual

EPayments Modules

The following sections show what modules require to be installed depending on the type of extended configuration (description and images) that will be used for the products in the EPayments CMS solution.

The table shows 2 columns:

  • Used by EPayments: these are the modules that will be used based on the extended configuration that will be used for the products.
  • Installation Required:  installation is required because there is a a dependency with the “Used by EPayments” modules or for the installation process.

Note: Since there are some modules that need to be installed but will not be used there is a way to manually hide the options from the SmarterCommerce menu.


To hide a group or a specific option go to Administration -> Backend pages and locate the SmarterCommerce group to hide. 


Click on Actions -> Title & Properties, and then uncheck the “Show in navigation” option and Save the changes.

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