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Digital Commerce Additional Manual

Sitefinity Authentication Expiration

The Sitefinity authentication expiration is stored in a cookie (AuthCookieTimeout). The default value is 600 minutes, but you should change it for a value lower than the web site session time out (web.config).

For example:

At the web.config in <system.web> section review the tag:

    <sessionState mode="StateServer" timeout="32" cookieSameSite="None"/>

The timeOut with 32 minutes, then the AuthCookieTimeout should be replaced with 30 minutes or less.

To adjust the expiration timeout of the authentication cookie:

1. Open the Sitefinity Backend and Login using an Administrator Account.

2. Navigate to Administration -> Settings -> Advanced.

3. Click Security and in the AuthCookieTimeout input field, set the expiration in minutes, for example 30.

4. Save your changes. 

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