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Digital Commerce Additional Manual

Sitefinity Images

In release 7.0, the maintenance of catalog-related images was moved from Management Console to Sitefinity Modules. This means that now images are stored in Sitefinity libraries.

Different types of images can be found in the Ecommerce CMS:

1. General images of the website: for example the company logo or images used on home page or static content pages.

2. Catalog images / category nodes: images to represent catalogs / nodes.

3. Attribute images: represent attribute values. For example, in the image below images are used to represent the colors.

4. Configure products images. They can represent the components header or the values.

5. Product images: represent the products that are sold on the website.


From the previous list, SmarterCommerce widgets support the configuration of different thumbnail sizes only for the Product Images (# 5). Different sizes are used to display products in a listing such as Catalog, or a smaller image for example in carousels like Recently Viewed, or a larger image for the Product Detail page.

Sitefinity has the logic to generate different thumbnail sizes for the images that are uploaded in the libraries. Each library can have its own configuration.

But it is important that this configuration is done only in the libraries where the images related to products will be uploaded. 

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