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This functionality requires the following configuration:

  1. Enable the functionality by configuring the SmarterCommerce Settings module settings.
  2. Publish products to have them all marked as public.
  3. Setup the attribute values that are going to be used to filter products.
  4. Set the attribute values to the assigned products.

Step 1: SmarterCommerce Settings

The following settings must be configured in the SmarterCommerce Settings module:

  • Catalog > Product Filter Assignments

Filter by assignments Attribute (ATTR_FILTER_NAME): when this setting is configured, an attribute is created with the name defined by the user. 

Address Book Category Code (FILTER_PROD_CATCODE): value must be greater than zero

On the website these 2 settings are read to check if an additional filter must be applied to Elasticsearch/App Search queries. This additional filter validates that the attribute with the id “sc_assignment_attribute” has the following one of these values:

“*” (To retrieve public products).

The customer category code value that corresponds to the category code configured in the FILTER_PROD_CATCODE setting.

For non-authenticated users, the default customer is used to retrieve the category code value.

For sales person customers, the client that was selected to work on behalf of is used to retrieve the category code value.

If the customer category code value is empty, the customer will see public products

Step 2: Publish Products

Once the attribute is created and the category code is configured, the website will start filtering products using the product’s attribute value.  At this point, it is recommended to initialize all products as public (an “*” is used as the default attribute value). This way we ensure that the products are still displayed on the website catalogs. 

Note: This step can be skipped if all products will be assigned to specific customers. This means that there will be no public products.

There are two ways to initialize the products as public:

Execute a “Rebuild Products Index” process.

Publish all products.


Step 3: Setup the Attribute Values

In the attribute created to filter products, the user must add the attribute values corresponding to the values of a customer(s) category code configured in the FILTER_PROD_CATCODE setting.

When an attribute value is created make sure that the “Description” field has the category code which will be used to filter the products.

Note: Products that don’t have attribute values belonging to the configured filter assignments attribute, will have the value “*” to indicate that these products will be displayed to all customers. Please note, this is managed by the application so there is no need to create an attribute value for the public products.

Step 4: Set the Attribute Values for the Products

The final step is to assign the attribute values to the products that you want to configure as specific for certain customers. Once the values are assigned, the products must be published.

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