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Digital Commerce Additional Manual

Configure Google Maps

To configure the Google Maps, follow these steps:

  1. On Google Cloud Platform account the following Google Maps API must be enabled: Maps JavaScript API and Places API.


  2. In the credentials section an API key must be generated:


  3. After the API key is configured, add a script tag on the “index.html” file located in [Your Sitefinity root project folder]/AdminApp:


    The script tag must be in the <head> tag:


    <script src="[yourKey]&libraries=places"></script>

    Replace [yourKey] with the generated APIKey in Google Cloud Platform.

    * If the Google Maps API is not configured, this message will be displayed:


  4. This APIKey must be also configured in Administation -> Settings -> Google Maps.
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We bring together digital commerce, retail and call center channels with a united approach that leverages the power of onmi-channel while prioritizing JD Edwards connectivity.