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Digital Commerce Additional Manual


You can copy mappings from one site to another in a multisite environment. Before starting, it’s important to consider that if the other website has any mappings configured this process will overwrite them.

  1. In the Sitefinity backend select the site you want to copy from the mappings. Then go to SmarterCommerce -> Configuration/ Mappings. 

2. In the Mappings view click the “Copy Mappings” button. Please note, that this option only appears if the Sitefinity is multisite. 

3. On the “Copy Mappings” view, you can choose the websites that will receive the copy. You can select a website or a list of websites by clicking the square field next to the name. If you want to select all the websites just one click in the square field next to “Websites” is required, or you can select all by picking them individually.

4. Click the “Done” button.

5. A process that copies all the mappings from one website to another is initiated. In this case, a mapping is copied if the target website contains the pages that are required for that mapping. If the page doesn’t exist, then the mapping is not copied.

6. A message with the result information should be displayed once the process is completed. 

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