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Digital Commerce Additional Manual

Other Section

  1. Navigate to Administration -> Backend Pages.
  2. Locate the “Other” group page under the SmarterCommerce group page.
  3. If it is configured correctly, it should look like this:



  1. External module installation depends on Catalog Provider SmarterCommerce Setting.
  2. Keyword Page Mappings is an optional module, so it is possible the pages do not exist.
  3. In EIPP and CMS the Most Viewed, Notify Me, and Finder modules may not be installed, so the pages might not exist.
  4. If the module is not installed in the module builder, the pages do not exist in the Backend pages.
  5. If the pages do not have this structure, then follow the same steps as in the Configuration section.

If the “Query Editor”, “Task Manager”, “Most Viewed Products”, “Notify Me”, “Finder” and “Keyword Page Mappings” group pages are not located under the “Other” group page, then locate them under Content -> Types of Content.

The group and standard pages should be organized like in the image above. All the standard pages should be configured as “Show in navigation” = false.

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We bring together digital commerce, retail and call center channels with a united approach that leverages the power of onmi-channel while prioritizing JD Edwards connectivity.