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Digital Commerce Additional Manual

Sitefinity User Group

As of version 7.1 the standard Sitefinity Site-specific users are used to manage membership provider. For more information see: Site-specific users.

This configuration replaces the Membership Provider setting that was used in release 7.0. The application will continue to show the setting in the Settings Module but only to inform the user of the new configuration.


If the values for “Default User group” and “Previous version Membership provider name” match, then the configuration is correct.

 To set up a User Group for a new site follow these steps:

  1. Enable Users per site setting (Backend ->Administration ->Settings ->Advanced ->Security -> Users per site).
  2. Go to User groups for the site (Manages Sites->Administration ->Configure modules and access ->User groups for this site)
  3. Click on “Create user group”, make it default, and then click on “Done”.

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