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Task Manager Email Notifications

You can configure the Sitefinity default email notification settings or create a new email notification profile.

  1. Navigate to Administration> Settings
  2. In the left menu click on “Email Settings” option.
  3. Configure the following properties:
Host This property defines the SMTP server (host) address that Sitefinity CMS should use to send emails over SMTP protocol. Enter the name or IP address of the SMTP server.
Port Enter the port used for SMTP transactions.
UserName Enter the username of the account that you use to connect to the SMTP server
Password Enter the password of the account that you use to connect to the SMTP server
Use SSL Select if you want Sitefinity CMS to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the connection.
Default sender email address  Enter the desired email address that will be used by Sitefinity CMS to specify the From: field email address for outgoing emails.
Default sender name Enter the desired name that will be used by Sitefinity CMS to specify the From: field name for outgoing emails.

4. Save changes.

For more information:

Enable Task Manager Send Notifications

SmarterCommerce has a new Task Scheduler Module, to enable this module to send email notifications you must configure a notification profile and a list of email subscribers.

Create Profile Notification

  1. Open the Sitefinity Backend and Login using an Administrator Account.
  2. Go to Administration> Settings > Advanced
  3. In the left menu click on Notifications > Profiles
  4. Click on Create new » SmtpSenderProfileElement to create a new profile and configure it.

    For more information:

Configure SC Settings Module

  1. Navigate to SmarterCommerce> Settings
  2. In the left menu click on Task Manager
  3. Configure the profile and the list of emails subscribers

Edit System Email Template

You can edit the system email template by site.

  1. Navigate to Administration> Settings
  2. In the left menu click on “System email templates” option.
  3. Select the “Task Manager” template and edit it.

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