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Bulk Actions

Bulk action is when the same action is taken when more than one record is selected. Publish and Unpublish are examples of actions that are commonly used as bulk actions. It is important to realize that when you select multiple records and use a standard Sitefinity bulk action the records are actually processed one at a time in the background.  This can be very time-consuming and because there is not a task created using standard Sitefinity bulk actions you will not be able to see when it completes.



SmarterCommerce also offers bulk actions. The premise is the same, but unlike Sitefinity our bulk actions process a block of records (2000) at a time and create a task so that you can see it has completed.  This is a more efficient way of processing a large number of records.


Sitefinity bulk action options are typically shown next to the title of the module you are in. SmarterCommerce bulk actions are typically shown with the other action buttons in the module.  Please note both methods will work, but when processing large numbers of records we recommend using the SmarterCommerce bulk actions.


The following are examples of where bulk actions are available:


Product Badges

Product Detail Sections


Promotional Content

Catalog Badges

Catalog Nodes

Category Node Products

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