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Payment Processing

Credit Card Reconciliation - RQ6704213 & RQ6704214

Periodically, you might need to reconcile the balances in your bank accounts with settled credit card transactions on your bank statement. The Credit Card Reconciliation process has been designed to reconcile settled transactions in a way similar to the standard J.D. Edwards bank reconciliation process. Credit Card Reconciliation (available for PayPal and Braintree) will now enable you to reconcile/unreconciled transactions manually or automatically that are stored on the General Ledger (F0911) as well as those that have been processed directly from the gateway application. The following steps will provide an overview of how Credit Card Reconciliation works:

  1. Execute the Load Settled Transactions report to refresh the settled transactions.
  2. Run the automatic Account Reconciliation Report to reconcile all the transactions that are settled and have records in the General Accounting Files F0911.
  3. Review the report to determine exceptions.  
  4. If exceptions exist open the Manual Reconciliation application to review the exceptions and manually reconcile/unreconcile as needed. 
  5. Open the Settle Transactions application to reconcile any transactions that were processed directly via the gateway.


Please note that transactions entered before Credit Card Reconciliation Setup has been completed will not have the BankId present and cannot be automatically reconciled.  


Name Explanation
RQ6704213 Scheduling of this report is not required.  Some customers want to run the reconciliation process manually and some want it on a scheduled basis.  
RQ6704214 Scheduling of this report is not required.  Some customers want to run the reconciliation process manually and some want it on a scheduled basis.  This report must run in a single-threaded queue.
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