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Payment Processing

Refund Monies to a Customer - Processing Steps

In those occasions where a refund to a credit card is desired, there are two scenarios illustrated below that can be used to successfully refund monies to a customer. 

Please note that Hosted Pages will not allow non-referenced credits. That means that you cannot enter a new credit card to be used for a refund/credit.  You must use a previously referenced/settled transaction for any refund/credit. Available cards that can be used for credit/return are those from the prepayment table (F004201/FQ670041) with the following criteria:

Transaction Status = ‘05’

Settlement Amount > 0

Settlement Date with less or equal than 365 days

Credit Card Expiration Date >= Today

PnReference/Transaction ID > 'Blank'


Processing a refund using a Credit Order (CO): 

Step 1

Enter a credit order (CO) making sure to associate it to the original order as needed.  Note that on the payment screen the credit card used for the original order is pre-populated for you. This is true even if the original order payment was processed using Hosted Pages. If this is the credit card that should be used for the refund store the credit card.  If not you can press the credit card button to select a different credit card for the credit order based on your processing option setup. Save the credit order. 

Step 2

Go to the manual authorization and settlement screen (PQ670041) and find the credit order.

Step 3

Use the row exit Refund to process the refund.

Step 4

Once the refund is processed the status will update to 05.

Processing a refund without a Credit Order (CO):

Step 1

Go to the manual authorization and settlement screen (PQ670041) and find the order.

Step 2

Press the add refund button.

Step 3

Enter the refund amount and click on Credit Card and choose the credit card information. Also, your ability to press the credit card on file button is determined by the processing option settings.

The authorize amount field must be entered as a negative to refund monies to a credit card.


Step 4

From the search and select screen highlight the row and select the row exit labeled “refund” to refund monies to a credit card.  You will be prompted for confirmation prior to the refund transaction occurring.

Step 5

A refund transaction will immediately pass to settled status. 

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