Retail Point Of Sale
Before you begin working with POS you will need to understand how to navigate within the application. The information below will help familiarize you with the navigation controls.
Add/Create Icon - when pressed you will be able to add a new record | |
Address/Location Icon - indicates that the information displayed pertains to an address | |
Advanced Edit/Modify Icon - when pressed you can edit the record | |
Backordered - Warning Icon - when presented the product is in backorder or a warning exists for the action you are attempting | |
Barcode/Scanner Icon - If a bar code scanner is used this area is where the scanned product will show | |
Blocked Icon - Indicates a product that cannot be edited based on max editable status | |
Calendar Icon - when pressed a calendar assistant will be presented | |
Cashier Options Menu Icon - when pressed options for the current document will be presented | |
Cart Icon - When pressed you will be redirected to the shopping cart | |
Change/Select Icon - used to select a new address on shippable orders | |
Close Icon - when pressed the current screen will be closed | |
Comment/Notes Icon - when pressed you will have the option to attach notes to the order, etc | |
Copy Icon - when pressed a duplicate record will be created | |
Credit Card Icon - icon representing credit card type selection | |
Dashboard Icon - when pressed you will be redirected back to the dashboard screen | |
Default Ship To Icon - this icon marks the default ship to for a customer/consumer record | |
Delete/Reset Icon - when pressed the record selected will be removed/reset | |
Discounts - when pressed you will be able to apply a discount to the order | |
Drawer Icon - indicates that you are working with a register drawer | |
Drop down menu/Collapse Icon - when press you will be presented with a drop down/sub menu. | |
Edit/Change/Modify Icon - when pressed you will be able to edit the selected record | |
Email Icon - indicates that the information displayed is an email address | |
Group Icon - indicates that a drawer can allow multiple users | |
In Stock Icon - indicates that the product is in stock and available | |
Invoice Icon - icon used to represent the invoice module/menu | |
Kit Item Icon - indicates that the product is a kit product and may have components, options, etc | |
Log Out Icon - when press you will log out and end your POS session | |
Menu Icon - used to access the menu options | |
Miscellaneous Product Icon - during quote entry and indicates a miscellaneous line item | |
Not Related Icon - when pressed the relationship between the bill to and ship to record will be broken | |
Notification Icon - when present this icon indicates the user has messages/notifications to read | |
Current Shipment Options Icon - when pressed the current shipment details are displayed and edited as needed | |
Orders Icon - when press you will be able to search previous orders | |
Out of Stock Icon - when present this icon means the product selected is not currently in stock | |
Pay Icon - when press you will be redirected to the Payments screen to enter tender | |
Phone Icon - indicates that the information presented is a phone number | |
Pickup Icon - when present this icon means that the product/order indicated is marked for customer pickup | |
Print Icon - when pressed the details shown will be printed | |
Profile Icon - menu icon representing the customer menu. | |
Quote/Convert to Quote Icon - when pressed you will be able to enter quotes | |
Receipt Maintenance Icon - icon used to represent the receipt maintenance module/menu | |
Relate Icon - when pressed a new ship to will be related to a customer | |
Retrieve Icon - when pressed the chosen order will be loaded into the cart | |
Return/Reset Icon - icon used to represent the returns module/menu | |
Save Icon - when pressed the record will be saved/recorded | |
Search Icon - when pressed a specific catalog or all catalogs can be searched based on your criteria | |
Settings Icon - when pressed you will be able to manage your basic configuration, device preferences and user preferences | |
Share Icon - when pressed the information will be shared across Stores | |
Ship Order Icon - when pressed the order/product will be marked for shipment | |
Sort Icon - used to reorder the sequence in which records are presented | |
Tax Summary - when pressed the details of the order taxes will be displayed | |
Time/Clock Icon - located in the bottom right corner of the screen indicating the current time | |
Upselling Products Icon - displayed in the cart next to products that have upselling (related) products | |
User Icon - indicates the who's who line number/information for the associated record | |
View Details Icon - when pressed the details screen (product details, order details, etc) will be displayed | |
View Less Icon - when pressed the detailed information will be collapsed back down | |
Visual Assistance Icon - when pressed you will be present with assistance specific to the field you are on |
Searching allows the user to locate products without looking through the catalog(s) manually. Product search criteria are configured in the Management Console and may include product number, second product number, auxiliary product number, cross reference product number or UPC number. POS has two methods of searching: Entire Store and Catalog Specific.
When the entire store is searched the system looks for the search criteria against all products in the item master. Then, the results are limited to those products found that exist in the branch(es) configured for the Store. To begin this search you will enter your criteria into the search box and press the Search icon. The search engine will then look through the following fields in the following tables for your criteria:
Item Master (F4101): IMITM (only when the search criteria is a number)
When a specific non-expired, published catalog is searched the system looks for the search criteria against only products within that catalog. To begin this search you will select the catalog desired, enter your criteria into the search box and press the Search icon. The search engine will then look through the following fields in the following tables for your criteria:
Item Cross Reference (F4104): IVCITM (Type 'M' and 'UP')
Item Web Content Header (F594110 / FQ67410): CHDSC1, CHDSC2, CHDSC3, CHPGTX, CHDL01...10, CHCOMMENTS
Did you know that when you are searching for a kit product only the parent product will be considered.
If at any time you wish to open the manual for this product simply click this icon.